Is My Tank Ready?


Fish Crazy
Dec 25, 2009
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Ok well my tank has almost finished cycling with my 4 zebra danios.

I plan on adding 2 bristlenose plecos i just want to make sure my tank set up is appropriate.

It is 140 litres/ 37 Gallon, 1100 lph flow rate, grit as a substrate, a massive piece of bogwood that weighs about 2-3kgs that is about 40 cms long, live plants, t5 lamps.

i plan on stocking them with

5 yoyo loaches and 6 zebra danios

and feeding them, community flakes and i might by algae wafers? for the BN, i will also boil cucumber and zucchini and feed them that

any conflicts or problems with my setup?
i started fish keeping 9 months ago witha new tank and so on, i really wanted a plec but from reading around it was best to wait i waited 8 months before i got one so my tank was ready.

the thing is with the plec i have i never see him eat at all so i think i eat the left over food and the biofilm.

i would atleast wait 4 to 5 months, plecs are not cheap.
i think you could probably add plecs a bit sooner than five months. you stated the turnover but whats the actuall filter and i would wait around a month after finishing cycling just to be safe. also i don't why your going to boil the cucumber? i feed my just normal un boiled or anything done to it cucumber. also i can't see any issues with your stocking.

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