is my tank overstocked?


Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
Kent, UK
is my tank overstocked? please look at my signature! tank is 63 ltrs, 16.6gallons, 2ft X 1ft X 1ft
I would honestly say that without the pleco the tank looks fine. But once you add that pleco on (I know you love him) to me the tank becomes quite overstocked. I know that they do help with completing the natural ecosystem of a tank, but they also POOP LIKE MAD!!!! :lol: I just don't think you have the tank he needs. Other than that :nod: I think the tank is fine!!!
your tank looks like its good (not understocked, but not overstocked)
except for the pleco
i would get 3 more neon tetras, as they are schooling fish and even when they don't school, they feel more secure with their own species

as for the pleco, i know you love him/her to bits but if you do you will give it away
pleco's get 12" and i have seen them this big plenty of times
they need at LEAST 55 gallon (since they are not very active then this is the bear minimum they can live in) but are ideal for 70 gallons+
he will become stunted in your tank :S
which means you will see him start to look deformed as his insides continue to grow and his body does not (to compensate for lack of space) :sick:
sorry to be so graphic but it is important you know the details for your pleco's sake
if yours is tiny it is because it is just a baby
better take it back now before you get too attatched :X
ps... a 2"x1"x1" is 54 liters max (thats filled to the brim with no ornaments or gravel etc....

you'll be looking more like 45.
on the box it said 63 ltrs and Ive measured the tank - its 60cm X 30cm X 35cm. 16.6 UK gallons. my sister is looking at getting a bigger tank and when he gets too big for that we will get him a good home. Thanks for your advice everyone!

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