New Member
I am absolutely terrible at calculate fish inches and the like. Everywhere I look on the net they seem to give different advice on stocking levels. All I want to know is have I got too many fish in my tank?
I have a Juwel Vision 260 ( 260 Litres, roughly 4ft x 2ft x 1ft)
At the moment I have the following in it
4 Clown Loaches
4 Bronze Corys
4 Zebra Danios
5 Cherry Barbs
6 Neon Tetras and
14 Tiger Barbs
I have 4 Bronze Cory fry in my hospital tank that I would like to put in as well. I also promised my husband that he could choose a plec but I don't think there is enough room. Ideally I would like to add the Cory fry and leave it at that. My husband has been on Planet Catfish for months choosing his plec, I am dreading telling him there is no room LOL
I am absolutely terrible at calculate fish inches and the like. Everywhere I look on the net they seem to give different advice on stocking levels. All I want to know is have I got too many fish in my tank?
I have a Juwel Vision 260 ( 260 Litres, roughly 4ft x 2ft x 1ft)
At the moment I have the following in it

4 Clown Loaches
4 Bronze Corys
4 Zebra Danios
5 Cherry Barbs
6 Neon Tetras and
14 Tiger Barbs
I have 4 Bronze Cory fry in my hospital tank that I would like to put in as well. I also promised my husband that he could choose a plec but I don't think there is enough room. Ideally I would like to add the Cory fry and leave it at that. My husband has been on Planet Catfish for months choosing his plec, I am dreading telling him there is no room LOL