Is my Tank full?


Fish Herder
Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
Springfield, Vermont
I have had my 29 gallon aquarium for about a month and a half and I was
Wondering if it is full with these fish.

4 platys
4 panda Corys
2 pearl gouramis
5 head n' tail light tetras

I was planning on getting 2 or 3 Boesmani rainbows to finish it off, but I was
Curious on whether this was a good Idea. The filter I have is an Aqua Tech 30-60
Gallon filter, would that be able to support the bioload?
if i was u i wouldnt go out a buy more fish i would let these fish grow to ther full size and they will be just as impressive with less fish than having to many fish and it being crowded.... also less waste from fish .... i'm not sure if ur running out of room but i dnt know how big the corys and head and sumfin grow but i would say dnt pput tom many in co s i think that where i went wrong with my 30 gallons tank two fish have died may to do with birth aswell but i think its till crowded..... :unsure: :/ i'm not sure if i'm helping, maybe get a knew tank???? that what i'm am going to do when i raise the money hehehhe :fun: :hyper:
You can add the bosmanis to your tank but i would wait a while as it is still very new,in a 29g you can have up to 40-45 inches of fish once it is mature (over 6 months old) but until then i would try to keep the stocking below 25" of fish.
If your tank is only 6 weeks old I suggest you wait until you stock up further. Have you checked your water for ammonia and nitrite?
aernympha said:
i thought it was one inch of fish per gallon?? :/ :S
That is the basic stocking guide but with older more established tanks you can bend the rules a little and have 1 1/2 inches providing that the filtration is up to it and you keep up a good maintainance regime.
Also the 1" per gallon rule only really works with small community type fish (tetras livebearers ect) and standard size tanks.You couldnt keep a 10" fish in a 10 gallon tank and 100 neons wouldnt fill a 100 gallon tank to capacity.
Well actualy its 8 weeks old, not that that makes too much of a difference.
yes i have checked for ammonia and nitrite, and it has been at 0ppm for several weeks now.

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