Is my tank full?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 4, 2003
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
i realize it's better to have a higher female to male ratio with my livebearers than 50:50 but can i afford to put another platy and molly in or will i risk overcrowding?

anything suggestions appriciated :thumbs:
I'd actually have to wonder if you really do have room. You have to remember the adult sizes for all the fish you have in that tank - and then add those up to figure out inches per gallon rule, if you choose to follow that at all. Your angels can get quite large, as could your pleco I imagine, and livebearers can get 3 inches sometimes. I'd say you're probably full, but thats just MHO.
Indeed ur tank is full. If u have Angles + Platy Frys then u'll end up with 3 fat Angels!
thanx for you're opinions
i will move my 3 angels into my 55 that im cycling right now, and then put two one more of each female (platy and molly).
I think that this is the best solution

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