Is my tank full do you think?


Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
Yorkshire (UK)
Can you take a look at my 20 gall(uk) and tell me if its full or is there room for more?
2 honey gourami
4 male guppy
2 male platy
5 neon tetra
2 albino cory
What do ya think? :rolleyes:
I thaught i was ,just hoped i was wrong oh well ,i reckon i will just have to buy another tank so i can have more fish,better see wot i can chuck out to make room for it lol.
You think maybe another cory Miss cheese? ;)
BIGMAC said:
You think maybe another cory Miss cheese? ;)
Maybe it would be a good idea. You might get away with something else too though. What are your parameters like? I always think that those, and how the tank looks are good indications of how full you are.

Cheese Specialist said:
BIGMAC said:
You think maybe another cory Miss cheese? ;)
Maybe it would be a good idea. You might get away with something else too though. What are your parameters like? I always think that those, and how the tank looks are good indications of how full you are.

The water perameters are fine i check them a couple of times a week and do water changes twice a week,so what do you think?
BIGMAC said:
Cheese Specialist said:
BIGMAC said:
You think maybe another cory Miss cheese? ;)
Maybe it would be a good idea. You might get away with something else too though. What are your parameters like? I always think that those, and how the tank looks are good indications of how full you are.

The water perameters are fine i check them a couple of times a week and do water changes twice a week,so what do you think?

If you are having to do 2 water changes a week to keep your parameters good, you might not be able to add more IMO. However, if the levels would still be good with less frequent changes and you just choose to do them more often then you should be fine. Did that make any sense?! :blink:

So, what are your NitrAte readings before you do a water change and are they higher before the change the next time? For example, if your NitrAtes on Wednesday before a w/c were 10 and then on the Saturday before a w/c were 15 then you have too many fish IMO as water changes are not convering the level of NitrAte.

However, I doubt this is happening to you. I just thought I would mention.

*thinks she has waffled for quite long enough*
My nitrate levels never seem to go above 10 i just do the water changes to make sure everything stays ok ,so really i could cut back on them since my perams are stable couldnt i? :huh: Think maybe i have just been a little over cautious.
BIGMAC said:
My nitrate levels never seem to go above 10 i just do the water changes to make sure everything stays ok ,so really i could cut back on them since my perams are stable couldnt i? :huh: Think maybe i have just been a little over cautious.
IMO 10 is quite high if you are doing w/c twice a week. That would make them 20 if you did a change once a week, wouldn't it? Or maybe not infact...

My nitrAte is about 8 in my biggest tank and that is way overstocked and I do weekly w/c.

Saying that, as the fish you'd be looking to add are not messy and if you still did twice weekly changes I think you would be ok to add a little. Maybe you should do a test by not changing the water midweek and see what the nitrAte is. If it's not too high you know you can add.

I think you'd be fine to be honest but it's good to be cautious.
Ok miss cheese i will cut back to once a week and see what the nitrate is at then before i add anything more.Thanx 4 helpin me out once again.
Cheers Sue :flowers:
BIGMAC said:
Ok miss cheese i will cut back to once a week and see what the nitrate is at then before i add anything more.Thanx 4 helpin me out once again.
Cheers Sue :flowers:
:*) Happy to help

Let me know how you get on, what fish would you be wanting to add? I suggest bottom feeding, not too messy ones. Like cories, otos maybe kuhlis?
Pointy_kitty said:
sorry guy,
yer full ;)
I'm actually a girl pointy-kitty,lol the name BIGMAC aint too flattering i know it makes me sound like a fella .The real names Sue. :rolleyes:

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