Is My Striped Raphael Pregnant?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 21, 2006
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San Antonio, TX
i am tryin to figure out if my striped raphael catfish is pregnant...i am not sure of the sex, but his/her stomaceh is enormous, it was flat when i got it 2 weeks is a pic...

Yep that's what mine looks like...

They are very greedy, coming out after everyone is asleep to clean up any leftover food.
It's not unusual for Platydoras costatus to look like it's gravid when in fact it's just well fed. Maybe cut back on the feedings a litte.
:lol: what a little porker! But very pretty :wub:

Quite unusual to see it out and about though in broad daylight when they are extremly nocturnal and shy. Does it have a cave or two ?
i have 2 hollow logs in there, he stays in the big one on the left, normally sitting by the entrance. this guy does NOT wait for everyone to stop eating, i drop food in, whether it be flakes or bloodworms and as soon he smells it he is out scarfing it all down. i feed no more than 2x daily. i put the food in, then pulled out the camera.

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