Is My Set Up Sufficient?


New Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Hello everyone! I just started my planted tank and I have a few questions.

My setup:

-29G(dimensions: 30" long x 12" wide x 18" high)

-Hagen Nutrafin co2 system

-Regent filter system from wal-mart

-Coralife T-5 Lighting with 18w Full-spectrum bulb and 18w 6700k plant bulb( this makes it a little more that 1wpg)

-One bag of Eco-complete substrate(only about 1-2" deep)

-Regent filtration system (from wal-mart)

-2 amazon swords

-Java Fern

-and various other plants that need around med lighting, which were added only a day ago along with the substrate (ill get the names when i go back to my LFS)

As for my parameters, I do not know any of it. I have yet to get a test kit.

Ive only had my tank for about a month now. I used to have a subtrate not suitable for plants and purchased amazon swords and java fern along with my t-5 lighting. I used Flourish Excel every other day and Flourish twice a week. When I saw that they werent doing well and had green algae all over the tank, I went to a LFS store and they suggested getting new substrate and a co2 system. I bought these, then a day later went crazy and bought 7 plants that needed medium lighting . I know its too early for me to see if my new plants are doing well or not, but given my set up, I have various questions on what I need or should improve on. I am thinking I need a new filter b/c the co2 system will not work effectively with the surface agitation. So, my first question is what is the cheapest filter that would work with my heavily planted tank with little to no surface agitation. Next, I would like to know if my lighting is sufficient? I know I should at least have 2wpg but from 2 lfs's that I have been to say that my lighting is good enough for plants that need low to medium lighting. If my lighting is fine, how many hours should I have it on? If not, whats the cheapest lighting set up to fulfill my tanks needs. Now for my substrate. Ive only added one bag and its only about 1-2 inches deep. Is it absolutely necessary for me to get more? And if I do need more, what is the best way to add it in without harming my fish.

I have a feeling Im going to get flamed for my set up and my total impatience in setting up my tank, but any constructive criticism will be much appreciated :rolleyes:
if you have lights that can live on 1 wpg. you don't really need co2, at least from what i understand. it's when you get above 2 that you really start needing it. but then again that depends on how fast you want your plants to grow. your plants will grow without the co2, just a lot slower which may be a good thing. Lights should be on for 12 hours. the lighting period that people seem to be most happy with is 5 hours on 2 hours off 5 hours on. hope this helps. i am new to plants also but i have been trying to read up on it for the past two weeks (making sure i don't mess up :unsure: ). i'm sure someone more experienced will come along and give you better info.
if you have lights that can live on 1 wpg. you don't really need co2, at least from what i understand. it's when you get above 2 that you really start needing it. but then again that depends on how fast you want your plants to grow. your plants will grow without the co2, just a lot slower which may be a good thing. Lights should be on for 12 hours. the lighting period that people seem to be most happy with is 5 hours on 2 hours off 5 hours on. hope this helps. i am new to plants also but i have been trying to read up on it for the past two weeks (making sure i don't mess up :unsure: ). i'm sure someone more experienced will come along and give you better info.

I think you mean "if you have Plants that can live on 1wpg, then you don't really need CO2", but we get your drift. That being said. the injection of CO2 in lower light levels has benefits. You are doing your plants no harm by injecting it, especially in the tank's early stages when nutrient levels in the substrate (aka mulm, poo, whatever) are on the low side. When you have a nutrient-rich substrate, as you do, I find that injecting CO2 allows for better plant growth. If the plant growth is too slow, then algae may utilize the nutrients that the plants don't consume from the substrate. In addition, you can have plants well into the "medium" light range as the CO2 injection allows you to cheat a bit. And remember, for the WPG guideline, regular output T8s are used as the standard. The T5s you have generate more light, so you can get away with more species, if you are good about changing bulbs. See my signature for a list of no-brainer plants for all parts of the aquarium.

I tend to use inert substrates, but have found that I needed to inject CO2 and dose a relaxed fert regimen, especially when the tank was young. The ferst wasn't so important, as I tend to overstock, but you people are a lot more sensible about that than I, so I recommend ferts. Once the tank matured, which can take anywhere from 6 months to a year, I was able, with lower lighting levels, to abandon CO2 injection and a dosing regimen, and have only noticed a slight decrease in growth speed, but not in quality.

IMO, since you are a beginner, I would not increase your lighting level. You'll get decent growth and growth you can manage. It isn't about growing plants at break neck speed, it's about keeping them healthy. I'd personally add more substrate, as Amazons and cryptocorynes (a plant group you should definitely look into), love a nice substrate to anchor too, but adding more ecco-complete isn't essential. You can add a small-grain (1-3mm) gravel on top of the Ecco-complete and you'll get nice results.

At first, aim for between 10-12 hours of lighter, closer to 10 at first and observe, observe, observe. Be sure you have a timer. Plants respond better to consistancy in light duration and you can manipulate the lighting levels to match seasons. The color temperature of your bulbs sound good. T5s are very nice bulbs to work with.

One more thing. In this forum we like pictures, so no pressure, but please send a photo of your tank ASAP. We enjoy looking. If you wish to make a journal out of this setup, by all means do so. We like reading those too. :lol:


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