Is My Red Platy Pregnant?any Help Plz


New Member
Aug 5, 2010
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Walsall, West Mids

altho i have seen some good diagrams & numerous pictures of pregnant platys on this site i cant decide if my own red platy is pregnant or just over-fed. i do have another female micky mouse platy which eats just the same as my red platy but she is quite stream lined the same as my sunset male platy if you know what i mean..

any help would be greatly appreciated as i'm stil newish to being a "Tropical Aquarist"

red platy preg 1.jpgpreg plat 2.jpg
I would say she is very pregnant! If you can see her gravid spot or even the eyes of the fry within her then you will know she is close! I am guessing she will have between 20-30 fry just by her size!
It is possible for 40-50 fry. MAX - I would suggest you take a bakers pin or another object and crush some tropical flakes so that the fry can get nutrition as the whole flakes will be too big for them to handle.
thanks for the help guys, she does have darkish spots at her rear but since she keeps hiding at the back of my tank & is a deep red i cnt see to clearly. I've only had her about 4 or 5 weeks so no idea what sort of platy or colour variation shes been mating with. i'll try and Upload some better photo's nxt time. Thanx again :))[/font]
if she is hiding away then she is close to dropping, adding some floating plants if you dont have any already would help the fry survive until you can see them to net them out, if thats what your planning to do that is :) keep us updated on her
hi agen, no babies as of yet but i thought i'd take another chance to take a clearer photo for you guys 2 give me a more definate verdict..

MaXxwell -

She is definitely pregnant. You can see near the anal fin that the region is getting dark. You may soon be able to see the individual fry eyes! I am still guessing that she will have between 25-35 babies. When her belly drops (flattens out) and her behavior turns to be more protective, that should be your clue it is about to happen.
thank you for your reply, i have her in a breeding fry trap now but as i have read up more and more about live bearers i read that they can get stressed very easily wen kept like this. i am very tempted to let her out in2 the main tank and just take my chances that i notice the fry flickering about. i have got plants in my tank including floating plants like u recommended. shud i ditch the trap and let nature takes its course? its my 1st fish pregnancy so cant help being alittle shall i say "protective" of the babies lol! anyways thanx again, love this site :))

p.s. i have noticed already shes hiding away more and more..
I have had pregnant mollies and other livebearers give premature birth because they were stressed in the box so I now only use my box to carefully add water as I have a sand substrate that is easily kicked up when doing water changes. Take her out of the breeder box. I would suggest getting some to cover the slits on your intake of your filter so that fry are not lost in the filter. I have sadly had this happen too. I cover my intake slits with a ruined fish net (cut the netting off the handle and used a rubber-band to hold it around the intake). Some of the fry might be eaten but if she gives birth at night you should have some survivors to then catch and place in the breeders box.
You know I'm in the same predicament....first time fish it's expected then that livebearers drops their fry at night? Mine is not hiding yet as much but they said I've got 1 more week to go. Let me know how yours fair. Good luck!
hi, yeah mine still hasnt dropped any fry yet (as far as i know of), shes trying 2 hide & i have plenty of plants but my male platy seems to of gone on an aggresive rampage continuely scanning round the tank for her. you mentioned about females dropping their fry at night, i usually leave my tank light on whilst i go 2 bed.. is that ok or should i turn my light off 2 night? i'm from england so that wil actually be in abit its 00:34 here.
I would turn the lights out. You are more likely to wake up in the morning with little presents in your tank. All the drops I have seen were at night.

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