Is My Ram Sick?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, California
I just got 2 German Blue Rams yesterday, and today I look at one of the females and the area where her gills are is a bright red color. None of the other Rams have this, so I am wondering if it is just her natural color or some illness? She is swimming around and eating alright.
Water stats would be good in ammonia,nitrate,nitrate, and ph.
Any flicking and rubbing against objects.
Swimming in a jerky movement.
Increase breathing.
Weight lose as looking thin.
Shying at objects.
Pale colouration.
I just got 2 German Blue Rams yesterday, and today I look at one of the females and the area where her gills are is a bright red color. None of the other Rams have this, so I am wondering if it is just her natural color or some illness? She is swimming around and eating alright.

Did she turn like a dark blotchy color? some places ive read on the internet say that rams do not have a long life span.
I had some rams in a 20 gallon for about 2 yrs. they both died within a few weeks of each other. how long have you had them, do you know about how old they would be
Well she is pretty small as are the others in the tank so they are all young. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and <20 nitrate. It is hard to tell if she is thin because she is so young, a little over 1/2 inch. She is a little pale I can say, but she is about as pale as the other Rams with the exception of the dominant male, who is usually brightly colored. She is not swimming irregularly or flicking against anything. The only thing that really seems wrong with her is her blood red gill area. It looks like the color comes from underneath her gill cover so I am pretty sure i just got a sick fish. There were only 3 Rams left when I got her, one has torn fins but her and the other I picked up looked OK. I may just take her back and get some other fish instead. Unless anyone thinks that it is possible for her to recover from this?

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