Is My Powerhead Preventing External Filter Uptake From Being Efficient


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales
Hi all, I've included this pic so you can see where its placed, it needs to be fairly low down, but do you think I would be better of bringing it further towards the fone glass (not really desirable!) or somewhere else??


Why not move it to the other end of the tank and let it blow towards the filter intake?
The main reason (as far as I know) to have a powerhead is to create a bit of current in the tank, especially the bigger ones, so the water will remain in motion and keep the poo and uneaten food from settling on the bottom of the tank. If you position it correctly, it should push the waste toward the filter intake where it's sucked up and put where it belongs. Cuts WAY down on having to vac as often.
i advised to place it where it is to create a circular motion in the tank to eliminate the dead spot below the outlet, although i didnt suggest it should go that low :) it needs to go higher, about 10cm below the surface, pointing to the far bottom corner.

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