Well I wanted to put live rock on it because I've read that live rock is very expensive and this (may) cut down on the cost. I've also heard that people find it difficult to build height into there reef. Imagine a round tank. Imagine that I build a large round piece with a flat top...then I build a smaller round piece with a flat top. Then another and another. Like a wedding cake. This would (theoretically) add a lot of height to the reef. You could then pile rocks around the bottom piece and then stack higher and higher. Leaving openings where the holes in the piece are cut.
What would you do with my pottery in a SW tank? What would it be good for. Keep in mind i'm a total noob when it comes to saltwater. I don't want a SW tank so I don't really want to do all the research it takes to set up a saltwater tank just to figure out what my pottery might be good for. If someone askes me to make a piece for a SW tank and I can't get what I need out of you guys I guess I will do all that work. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. EX. That would look like crap in a saltwater tank, or that would be beautiful, it'd have soft corals growin all over it and the fish would love the hiding places. Thanks again.