Is My Plec Sick Or Is It Just Normal White Tips On Tail

We're going to need more details that that to help answer your question. A picture speaks a thousand words, but failing that a bit more description of exactly what the fish is (there's a hell of a lot of fish that are all called plecs) and more on the symptoms.
Tank conditions help with diagnosis as well if there's a problem to be chased down, so anything you can tell us about water conditions, set up, and regime would be useful.
Looks like you have posted the same question twice without any information on the other post as well....
Please do give more information as Dr Rob asked and also from my post in your other thread.
Impossible to diagnose without relevant information, no such thing as too much info, give as much details as you can and a picture or two will help greatly.
I'm new to this forum I'm sorry I think it's a sail fin plec and I will give you water conditions today if it helps basically my beata fish died 2 days ago and it did look like it had lost of find from it they looked ragged so I put him in breeding tank and I cod tell he wasn't right and he died and now I've come to notice the tips of my plecs tail thing look to of changing colour but he is swimming around a lot lately not shure if this is normal because he doesn't look sick
He is about 3 month old he has grown quite a lot since I got him
I have also got a picture but it won't let me upload and wen I started the post it said the image was to big
125 litre been running about 3 month about a month ago I had to move the tank I thought went okay until I checked water and all readings had changed I have 1 commen plec / sAil fin 6 danios 3 scisertail rasboras 3 dwarf gourami a. And 4 rams 2 electric blue

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