Is My Platy Pregnant?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 15, 2009
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UK - Surrey
hi im just wondering if my platys pregnant, me and my fiance bought our platies last week and more fish yesterday, we thought 2 of our platies were pregnant but werent sure, then 3 days ago we found 12 fry unfortunately 1 was dead, now we think the second one is heavily pregnant, it hasnt got the square shape belly but has the gravid spot - we think, and its stayed at the bottom of the tank since we got it, when we saw the platy earlier it was burying itself in the gravel, we now have it in a separator just in case. i have pics but there not very good as poor quality camera so sorry for that,if you look closely you'll see what we think is the gravid spot

also just wondering how to get the PH levels more acidy as its 9 at the moment, and ammonia and nitrite, ammonia 0.4 and nitrite 0.1 possibly a bit more, its a 200L tank and water changes aren't working, any help will be much appreciated

Thanks alot,
Rachel x


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also i forgot to mention the platy that had the fry was a normall size not big at all, thats why were confused as our silver/blue one is getting bigger then it was but still not huge, but acting as a pregnant platy would
My platies never get HUGE, just square. If she:
•is Hiding/ acting antisocial
•has a white dot by her anal area (Birthing tube)
•is being bothered by males
•has a gravid spot (as I can see she does)

then she is probably very close to dropping. :)
Good luck!
first off, congrats on the fry :D

Ya I can kinda see the gravid spot in the pic, and chances are platys are aways pregnant when ya get them lol

size is not really a good indication with platys, sometimes they dont show at all.
The white spot at the anal area that platygirl mentions has been the best indication for me

you can get a pH booster in the LPS, which would quikly drop the pH.

ow long had your tank been up and running. You mention that ye got some more fish. If too many were got at once the extra ammonia would have a big effect on the waters chemicals and nitrogen cycle
thanks guys, only had my tank 2weeks, so they said it might take a while but im just worrying because the fish i have prefer more acidy water, e.g siamese fighter and angel fish. thanks for the PH tip, much appreciated,

do you think we put her in the separator at the right time or should leave it a while? my platy has all the points you made platygirl except the white birthing bit at the mo like my other platy did afterwards
in relation to your ammonia and nitrite levels, its because your tank is new. Its tryin to get into a complete cycle, and this usually takes 8 weeks or more.
you will need to do water changes daily to try keep the levels down.
in the search area of this site, input 'fish in cycle' for some topics on this area.

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