Is My Platy Haemorraging And Is There Anything I Can Do? Help!

totally tropical

Fish Fanatic
May 22, 2009
Reaction score
The Boro
Firstly apologies for the poor pic quality - Can you explain why my pregnant Platy has a blood like substance near her anal fin? I presume that she is haemorraging? Maybe completely wrong.

I do not know what to do - at present she is still in the main tank in a net though I do have the option of isolating her in a separate tank (already cycled).

Is there anything I can do to help her or is she dying and is there nothing I can do to prevent this?

Thank you.

You might be better posting in the emergency section about this. I haven't had any experience fortunately...
i would post int he emergencies, you would get a much quicker response my friend! gd luck with your guppy :(
Could be a still birth due to the size, dropsy or one hell of a waste substance. What have you been feeding her lately? From above do her scales appear to have stuck out slightly like a pinecone?
Could be a still birth due to the size, dropsy or one hell of a waste substance. What have you been feeding her lately? From above do her scales appear to have stuck out slightly like a pinecone?

No, from above her scales are as normal - I have fed the fish as per usual i.e. flake, occasional frozen bloodworm and artemia brine shrimp. All other fish seem perfectly healthy.
Looks like an intestinal prolapse. She's ready to give birth (from the photo looks squared off, if you'd been asking 'how long till she drops' in the livebearer section we'd have said 'any day now.') My best guess is that something has gone wrong and she's popped out part of her oviduct instead of the fry. It's not a really, really bad prolapse and sometimes they can correct themselves so it's probably best to keep her isolated, turn off the lights and see what happens. If it's worse tomorrow, the kindest thing you can do is put her down, because when there's a large prolapse there's little hope for recovery. If it was my fish, personally I'd wait, because I have heard people say that worse than that has spontaneously gone back in.
How would you humanly put down a fish? I don't have any problems with mine at the moment but I hate the idea of causing suffering to them.
Read this article on euthanasia for fish. This seems like the least stressful way to me.


Hi, thank you for the interesting link. Fortunately her intestinal prolapse is no longer! It has gone back in and she looks so much lighter, but far more healthy though currently not eating well.

Have been advised to feed doused in garlic as a form of medication in case of a possible bacterial infection.

Really pleased that she has turned the corner, though yesterday evening I had all but given up hope as she was getting progressively worse.


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