Is My Molly Pregnant


Fish Fanatic
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
St. Louis
I think she is but I wanna make sure

I would say she is for sure... how fun, babies on the way.
I tried my best to get a front view pic but she is kind of slick but here is what I got!



think she is, but she will get bigger if she is pregnant, how long have you had her, and do you have any males?
she'll probably of been pregnant when you brought her, how many females do you have?
Just the one.

The Male To Female Ratio Is Way Off What Size Tank Do You Have I Would Say Get More Females Before The Males Bug Her Literally To Death Should Be At Least 3 Females Per Male You Could Probably Get By With 2
yeah, I agree, the female to male ratio should be 2:1. You should return 2 males and switch them for a female. I think she's pregnant but not too pregnant because she looks like a balloon molly.
I have a twenty gallon. They really haven't bugged her really that much they have kept to themselves as a matter of fact our other male stays in our plants. However we will add some females and take 2 males back.
I've heard the "two females per male" advice many times, but in my limited observation it hasn't been necessary. I have two males and two females, and the males barely care about the females. The females follow the males around occasionally, while the males nose at each other's gonopodium and generally carry on a low-key bicker fest that both seem to enjoy. The males have been in my tank together for longer, so maybe they're just shy around the ladies and want to discuss sports anyway.
I've heard the "two females per male" advice many times, but in my limited observation it hasn't been necessary. I have two males and two females, and the males barely care about the females. The females follow the males around occasionally, while the males nose at each other's gonopodium and generally carry on a low-key bicker fest that both seem to enjoy. The males have been in my tank together for longer, so maybe they're just shy around the ladies and want to discuss sports anyway.

maybe your 2 males have known each other a bit too long.

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