Is My Guppy Pregnant?

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Feb 19, 2013
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Hi there, I have a little 28L tank. I have had a male and female guppy since last Christmas. They have for some reason never had fry before. But lately the female looks like she's getting fatter, her gravid spot is dark and she looks a different shape. I have had platy fry lots of times and I know what I'm doing, I just don't know if my guppy is pregnant or not. Yesterday she was staying in one corner of the tank and kept chasing the male away and he keeps pecking at her. So I put her in the breeding box but nothing, this morning set her free but again all day has been in the corner of the tank but I just checked her and now she is out swimming everywhere but still looking fat and squared anyone?
Apologies for my poor photo, I can try to get better ones later.
Thank you, laura :)


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She looks like she'll have babies any time now!  Just wait a few more days and be patient.  Try raising the temp 2-3 degrees.  
Thank you, it feels like I've been waiting ages so I keep checking then not seeing any babies so think maybe I'm going mad and she isn't actually pregnant. Thank you for replying :)
She does look pregnant. Anytime soon she will have the fry.
No fry yet, it's so frustrating waiting. Every time I think she might be giving birth she just does a poop lol.
I shall let you know when she has them, if she has any at all.
Still nothing, but I don't know what will happen to my guppy or my other fish. My boyfriend must have unplugged the heater last night, we had a cold night and this morning the temp was down to 64 :-( I've plugged it straight back on but will anything happen? Would it stop my guppy from dropping her fry?
i dont think it would effect anything,around 64 degrees is the most they can tolerate so it should be fine.
Oh good. They all seem to be fine, but still no fry, she looks so box-shaped but still nothing lol I'm getting too impatient now.
I had to wait a few weeks and I didn't see the fry in my little baby saver for a while cause they are so tiny
I'm beginning to think she's not pregnant, shes still square and still has the black dot and dark belly but she just poops all the time, swimming around everywhere, still eats like crazy. Maybe she's just constipated not pregnant?
The best thing to do is to put her in a breeding box, that way you won't lose any fry to hungry adult guppies.
Still nothing, still looking exactly the same. She looks pregnant but no no idea
zoeya said:
The best thing to do is to put her in a breeding box, that way you won't lose any fry to hungry adult guppies.
Just a caveat to that:- Fish find being trapped in such a small box very stressful, this can lead to problems with having a normal fry drop.
Losing some fry to hungry fish is not necessarily a bad thing. To keep 30+ new fish every month will very soon lead to a very crowded fish tank.
the_lock_man said:
The best thing to do is to put her in a breeding box, that way you won't lose any fry to hungry adult guppies.
Just a caveat to that:- Fish find being trapped in such a small box very stressful, this can lead to problems with having a normal fry drop.
Losing some fry to hungry fish is not necessarily a bad thing. To keep 30+ new fish every month will very soon lead to a very crowded fish tank.
I agree. When I kept livebearers I just left them in the main tank and let nature take it's course. Some survived, some didn't, but I didn't get overrun with fish!
that fish DOES look preggo, very preggo. sometimes my live bearers look like that for up to 6 or seven days until dropping fry. and sometimes, i have no idea they are about to have babies . sometime they are so small they don't  look very pregnant. 

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