Is My Guppy Pregnant? (Video Inc)


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2010
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north somerset
is my guppy pregnant? heres a video to help decide. she wouldnt stop moving so not the easyest to see.
She is definitely pregnant thats for sure. Doesnt look like she has squared off yet so you still have a ways to go. Not easy to see in the video but she does have a dark gravid spot (dark spot near her bottom fin). Just be patient keep an eye on her when she stay hanging out at the bottom of the tank not being very social that will give you the clue that shes ready to drop. You will want to seperate the babies from the mom after birth (preferably in a seperate tank) because she will eat them. When shes ready to drop you might want to move her to a breeding net or a breeding trap or a seperate empty tank that way it will be easier to contain the babies rather than trying to scoop them out of your tank. Good luck and keep us posted on her progress.

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