Is My Guppy Is Ready To Drop?


New Member
Mar 30, 2009
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Hello everyone!

I'm a newbie and I just want to know if pregnant guppy is indeed pregnant and ready to drop. I had the tank since Feb 14 this year (valentine's gift) and about 2 weeks ago I thought she was going to have fry but all I had was this.... Photo0094B.jpg wasn't too sure about it.
Today i got this photo and really wondering if she is gonna drop fry......Photo0124B.jpg Photo0126B.jpg
Any input will be much appreciated...thanks.
Sorry it has no chance of dropping fry as it's a male.

look at the anal fin (muddle under side fin), on males they are pointed
If it's a male how can he have such a big tummy? I only feed them twice every other day.
belive me he's 100% male 0% female.

He's just a fat fish, must be well cared for

Females get much larger then him though!
Will second that, definitely a male.
It looks more colourful with a bigger tail, but the anal fin (gonopodium), with which it fertilises the female, is the sure fire sign that its a male.
It's a male. My male guppy has a little pot belly on him from time to time so that could be normal for this guppy as well.
I'll fourth that thought. She would be way bigger even when she wasn't pregnant. You're just doing a good job feeding. :)
:-( I was so looking forward for some little fishy....but anyways thanks so much.....better luck next time. I would get some proper female first tho. Thanks guys!

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