Is My Fish Normal?


New Member
Mar 11, 2008
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I bought my betta from PetSmart about a month ago. He started getting slight red streeks, and he was lathargic for the first couple weeks when I had him in a 1 gallon bowl. He seems healthy though.

I moved him to a 2.5 gallon tank with a filter. Now, he is really hyper-active, and he swims and twists up and down the sides of the bowl and sort of attacks the sides of the bowl for long periods of time. He likes to wedge himself in the tiny space bihnd his filter and slide up and down too. He will do laps franticly back and forth in the back of the tank for about 10 minutes straight in the same pattern. He will end up looking like his gills are going to explode from working out so hard. He carries on like this pretty much all day.

He is VERY active ALL day!!!!!! When I come home, he thrashes all over and goes wild. He goes around in circles and twists his body up and bumps into the side of the bowl toward me. My fish is quite the little firecracker. I thought bettas were slow moving, lazy fish. I am not complaining, but I just want to be sure there is nothing wrong with my little guy.

What do you think? Is anyone elses fish like this? Does he need meds? (just kidding) :blink:
well they like space and the filter would be keeping the water cleaner so he would be feeling better too, the red streaks could have been an infection from less then perfect water.

Id say he is just happy to have more room:) as bettas are only slow and doppy when they are unhappy or dont feel good.

good job on getting him more space:)
I was thinking he might be fighting with his own reflection, but he does not flare up. I don't know. I just hope he does not have mad fish disease or something.

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