Is my fish crazy?!

Seb R

Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
Kent, England
Well when I was 8 I made a pond in the very back of my garden and got some goldfish for it. Well now many many years later I had belived all the small goldfish fish were eaten from herons and had given it up as a 'wildlfe pond'.

Well I decided to clean it on sunday, and to my amazement I found a huge 8-9 inch white Goldfish (and boy is he(?) handsome, butterfly fins even). I also found a equally impressive Rudd and a few other wild ones (how they get in there?!?!)

Well I put the Goldfish in my 'Goldfish pond' thinking it has been atleast 6 years since he has seen other Goldfish. Boy was he(?) happy.

But now he is chasing the others all of the time. Now I know its summer, but at 7am!?!? :lol: Never really thought fish could be so emotional and/or crazy?
When fish chase one another it can be mating season.
seems he has some catching up to do with the ladies :hey:
Early morning, usually around dawn is breeding time for Goldfish, if anything hes taking abit of a sleep in. :)

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