Is My Filter Big Enough


Fish Addict
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Indiana, USA
OK this is going to sound odd, but those of you that have read my posts before will understand. Currently I have a 55 gallon tank that has gravel as the substrate. I am wanting to switch it over to sand so I can get better plant growth and then I can get the clown loaches I want.
Here is my question. Will a Aqua Clear 300 be enough filtration for a couple of months till I can go with a bigger external filter?
Right now I have the AC 300 and undergravel filtration with a power head on one side. The thing is this, I think my live plants are eating up everything as everytime I look under the tank there never seems to be much waste and I am talking about it being a few weeks since i vaced the gravel.
If the plants are doing that good with the waste then wouldnt it be alright to go ahead and go with my sand and just use the AC300???
I just dont want to go into something that is going to cause turmoil in my life. I know that the AC300 is a mid sized filter and thats why I am asking you all as someone might be able to shed some light on this for me



The AC300 will do as long as you don't overstock the tank!! That coupled with the plants should filter the tank alright.

As I am sure you know, you should strive to have a turn over rate of 8-10 times the volume per hour.

What size gravel do you have in the tank now?? If it is a fine gravel than your plants should do fine. I personally don't like messy during water changes and tends to compact to densly thus not allowing for good circulation.

This is of course JMO!!


Note* In the AC300 use sponge blocks in all the media compartments (I believe there are three) thus giving superior bilogical filtration!!
CM Yes the Aqua Clear does have the sponge blocks and plent of room on top for charcoal or floss. They are a nice filter and I do like using it.
As far as my tanks now I have a medium sized pea gravel and while my plants look good, I want to grow some short grasses in the tank and the gravel just isnt working for it.
I have had my concerns about going to sand and circulation was one of them, I figure I will have to stirs the sand occasionally to help it out. I guess I could let Allie get her another peacock eel.....the last one we had was all the time burying himself....lmao
I am thinking of going with a fluval404 or a similar type of filtration eventually and I one point I was wondering was will it give me the same biological filtration as the aqua clear. I know if I delay a day or so with water changes it seems like I get bacterial
I guess I could always do this. Buy the fluval404 for my 55, buy the 29 I seen on sale for 129.00 for the tank,stand and hood. Put the fluval on the 55, the AC300 on the 29. Take the rock form the 55 and put it in the 29 and put sand in the 55. Since the 29 will be using established rock and fitration wait a few day to let it settle and then get some real cute little dwarf electric blue and yellow chiclids.......heheheh
What do you think about that CM?????? I thought it sounded good....lmao

Thanks for the have given me things to ponder now


Take a ride to Michigan.....I can get you a 29 gallon set-up (tank, stand and flourescent hood) for around $60.00!!!

Say What, I never knew you was a magic man..... I was about 10 miles south of the Michigan Border last weekend and I told Allie we was only a few more hours away from you and she got all giddy. Thats a heck of a deal even if it is used. I am still in shock over the price you quoted for the 120 gallon tank when I was telling you what the LFS wanted for that 36x18x18 tank. Allie wants one of them too but she is going to have to wait on that till we get a bigger place......I am running out of room with all these tanks I am getting or


Sorry to disappoint you.....................that price is for a NEW set-up!!!!!!

I also have a used 36x18x16 that only needs one side glass replaced. It's your's for free....just come and get it!!!

CM, Your gonna make Allie a very happy
She came in from work and her eyes were popping when she read a 19 for 60.00......First thing out of her mouth was we need to make a road trip.........I can just imagine what she will say about

You are DA MAN my friend

:lol: Thats the Master, making the girls giddy!!! :lol:

Les, I have been wanting to get a good grass bed going too. But seem to have troubles getting it established. I have been considering a plant only tank to get an enormous patch of it going to transplant.
I don't know about a grass a bear sleeping on it unless it was stuffed into a mattress, but then if you grew it first in a tank of water that would make the matress awfully soggy!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

I know......say good night CM.......NO...I DON"T HAVE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well from what I was told grasses hair grasses dont do well in gravel and do much better in sand, not to mention my greek ruins would look killer in sand,hehehehehe. But seriously I cant help but think that plants would do better in a sand substrate over gravel, I may be wrong, but these plants are growing in river bottoms which is mostly sand ......right????
JMHO...... I am going to give the sand a whirl and see how it turns out.....I will do pics.

Looks like its gotten a bit off topic :D but heres my comments anywho.

The AC 300 should do you as long as you keep it clean and keep an eye on the amo levels in the tank. You may have to do some more frequent partial water changes just to keep things happy. But the shorter the term the better


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