Is my community a good mix?

I say its perfect! If its a long 30 gal than the plec is fine. If not its still probaly ok. If he gets to big then swap it for a small one(almost positve theres a lfs in ur are that will glady). Alot of people pay big bucks for large plecs for there predator tanks or aggressive tanks so the plec is bigger it wont get eaten .
Two red eye tetra may not make them very happy either, you should think about getting at least 5 of them as well. Usually, mixing smaller group of two schoaling species isn't as attractive as one species double the number. But, I too am guilty for getting 5 of both neon tetra and harlequin rasboras... :D

I'd be little concerned about that common pleco as well. Although it will be ok for a while, it will eventually outgrow your tank and you will have to part with her down the road. How about getting a pair of bristlenose pleco instead?
Right now the Pleco is about 3 inches. The LFS said he'd double in size in a year so I'm not worried about that now, but thanks for the info on the trade.

As far as the neons, I originally bought three from petco, then the others from the lfs and two are blue/red and three are orange stripped but the five of them get along great. Does it matter for these fish or not? The five of them are almost always together so I don't think they care, but will adding more make an imbalance?
i think that is a great mix but u should add more neons they'll be more active in a nice size school also the pleco will grow to 12 inches (FYI) :)
The snails don't need another snail to reproduce. After 1 hatch, you'll have about 20 or more little black snails on your plants, filter, ornaments, and in your substrate. It is a pain to try to remove snails from plants and ornaments; a literal hell to try to remove from bog wood or substrate. The methods of removing snails are not easy, and whether you kill them yourself or not, you'll eventually have empty snail shells litering your tank.

just squish the thing now, trust me.
will the pleco be enough to rid the tank of algae then? Or should I get another algae eater as that's why I have the snail.
nice mixture of fish i think..although a 30g tank is far too small for a common plec.
a bristlenose would be a much better plan for that sized tank IMO

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