Is My Cleaning Routine Ok?


Fish Crazy
May 4, 2008
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK

I am starting cycling my Juwel Rekord soon. I just wanted to know whether my cleaning routine is OK and won't cause any problems like high nitrate, high PH, dirty water, etc. in my new planted tank. DETAILS: gravel substrate, size: 15.3 gallons (70litres) Also, how often should i clean my filter media if i have:

8 neon tetras,
2 dwarf gouramis
6 rasboras
4 cories
(something else not sure yet!)

My routine is:

Every Thursday (Every week):

I use a sponge to clean the inside glass of algae, i do it on 3 sides.
I gravel vac as much gravel as i can see which also takes out my water. I vac the water straight into a big plastic container which i heave into my bathroom, pour into the sink and then pour fresh tap water in to a similar temperature then add Aquasafe. I take this and pour it onto a floating, plastic plate which i added earlier.
I remove any dead leaves etc.
Filter??????????Look above!
Oh PS all filters, lights etc left on during the process.

Advice is helpful!
once your tank has cycled and the fish go in, the tank will dictate the routine, rather than you. A lightly stocked tank might require a fortnightly once-over, but a heavily stocked tank will require more frequent attention.

You'll need to wait a good three/four months before adding the Neon Tetras, even to a fully cycled tank; it needs to mature.
I would just say that for safety's sake, please turn off all power to your tank before putting your hands in the tank! Always better to be safe than sorry, I believe. There have been reported cases of people being electrocuted through doing tank maintenance with the power left on!

Your filter will be fine switched off for a few mins whilst you do tank maintenance, btw.

I'm sure you're not the only one who leaves the electrics running whilst they clean their tank and some might think I'm being overly careful - but I'm a safety conscious person in general - I don't see the point in taking unnecessary risks.

Take care - Athena :)
I always turn the power off also, i dont want to get electricuted!
All electrical equipment should be turned off before you start to clean the tank
I always turn the power off also, i dont want to get electricuted!

Too right - could give a whole new meaning to "fry in the tank"! :-(

It's not just the fear of an electrical fault with something in the tank that could electrocute us (e.g. if a heating element becomes cracked) but it's so easy to spill/splash a bit of water when doing water changes and with so many electrical wires and plugs etc near our tanks, that in itself is a danger.

Maybe I should post a little note on the board under the title of Safety during Tank Maintenance - especially good for newbies to fishkeeping...
Ok so is my cleaning routine OK? I worked out the electrical safety bit by now,...
Hi, also add Dwarf Gouramis to your waiting list as well. Tank must be well matured (5-6 months AFTER cycle is complete) also well planted. Bacterial infections are very common so it means they are not really for the novice.

Ok, so you've been warned about turning off the power, just leave yourself a note to turn it all back on again!

Just a thought, this is for the future right? If you are fishLESS cycling then do not clean the filter and no need to water change or gravel vac.

If you are cycling WITHfish and are using what you have put in your first post then these fish are totally unsuitable.

More info once we have established exactly what is in operation here :good:
Hi, also add Dwarf Gouramis to your waiting list as well. Tank must be well matured (5-6 months AFTER cycle is complete) also well planted. Bacterial infections are very common so it means they are not really for the novice.

Ok, so you've been warned about turning off the power, just leave yourself a note to turn it all back on again!

Just a thought, this is for the future right? If you are fishLESS cycling then do not clean the filter and no need to water change or gravel vac.

If you are cycling WITHfish and are using what you have put in your first post then these fish are totally unsuitable.

More info once we have established exactly what is in operation here :good:
I am fishLESS cycling. I am planning to add the Cories to the tank first. I will add the Rasboras soon after, then the tetras, then the gouramis.

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