Is My Black Widow Tetra Pregnant?


New Member
Nov 5, 2006
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I bought 4 black widows about 3 weeks ago (2 males 2 females), one of the females has grown alot since i first got her her belly is very round and seems to be getting bigger by the week. She is acting very normal eating and socialising as normal so it cant be an illness. I was just wanting to know if anyone knew any signs of pregnancy in these fish and if she is how long does it take her to hatch and when should i remove her from the tank?

any help much appreciated! :D
Black Widows, like all tetras are egglaying fish with external fertilisation. It is the normal state of female egglayers to be somewhat deeper and wider in the body. In reasonable water conditions, a pair may even spawn, but the eggs will be quickly eaten.

If you are serious about breeding egglayers, you'll need specially set up tanks, a reliable method of producing suitable water, (soft and acidic), and a feeding regime, (egglayer fry are very much smaller then typical livebearers). Egg laying fish are not as easy as livebearers.
my black widow is the same what have you done with urs cous i thinkin about putting it in another tank with no fish apart fom the partner

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