Is My Black Molly Pregnet?


Mostly New Member
Jul 29, 2013
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I've had my black molly for 3 weeks already and she has gotten fat ever since we got her and I'm not over feeding her so I just want to know if she is pregnet or if she's just getting fat? She has also been laying in this one spot at the bottom of the tank for a while! I. Also have another fish who is a deferent breed then her and he won't leave her alone! What should I do? Should I separate it or what? image.jpg
yea shes pretty plump and since your feeding her correctly she probaly is pregnant, the question is do you want to save the babies or do it naturally.
I would like to save some of the fish! I've heard black mollies give birth to a lot of young!
yea thats true if you want to save them then you can put the mother in another tank or get a breeder box.

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