Is my bacteria gonna die??


Fish Fanatic
Mar 24, 2004
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I finished my fishless cycle 2 weeks ago. I have been adding ammonia daily to maintain my bacteria that I had established until my fish were ready to come home. I went to pick up my fish today and ended up having to order another school of tetras as the ones I was waiting on had already been sold. I was going to add them and my platies at the same time. I ended up just adding my platies. My tetras will be in on Tuesday or Thursday. My question is will my bacteria begin to die off in the 2-4 days without having that extra fish load to keep it fed? I plan to test daily to make sure nothing starts going out of whack. But do you think I will have any problem with enough reduction in bacteria to cause an ammonia spike when I add my tetra's? :dunno:
MadCow said:
I finished my fishless cycle 2 weeks ago. I have been adding ammonia daily to maintain my bacteria that I had established until my fish were ready to come home. I went to pick up my fish today and ended up having to order another school of tetras as the ones I was waiting on had already been sold. I was going to add them and my platies at the same time. I ended up just adding my platies. My tetras will be in on Tuesday or Thursday. My question is will my bacteria begin to die off in the 2-4 days without having that extra fish load to keep it fed? I plan to test daily to make sure nothing starts going out of whack. But do you think I will have any problem with enough reduction in bacteria to cause an ammonia spike when I add my tetra's? :dunno:
nevermind just saw your sig.

Hmm thats a tough one and one of those things I kinda worry about myself.
you could always slightly overfeed the platys or feed them 2-3 times/day to maintain the active load on the bacteria. Then once you add the tetras go back to a more normal feeding routine.
i owuld think if you cant put the fish in yet just let the filter do its job and continue cycling i personally would not add ammonia baecause as soon as you add fish 9 out of 10 times the ammonia level will spike and could be dangerous

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