Is My Axolotl Ill?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2006
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England (Yorkshire)
Hi, My axolotl has two rather large lumps either side of his hind legs. At first i thought it might be because he is male but i have never seen them this big. I have looked at loads of photos of axolotls. Please advise.

Also he has been floating along the top for over a week now like he has trapped gas or something. I can tell he is getting annoyed with this as he keeps trying to force himself back under. What has happened? :blink:
please any ideas anyone, my lfs havent got a clue about these creatures

do you have a picture. im pretty sure it means it is male though. the lumps get a lot bigger as well after they have dropped spermaphores.

it might have trapped gas also - try rubbing its belly gently.

also i suggest going to - there is a forum there with lots of people who can help you.
its most likely just its man bits but it might also be somthing he he has eaten but in that reigon i would be thinking just his bits

just built big!
try strokeing its back alot then rub his belly gentley for 5mins
He may have gas bubble disease, as the symptoms match. This can be caused by tapwater saturated by nitrogen. To prevent this let water sit in an open container for a least a day before adding it to the aquarium.
i saw a few of these today in petsathome, i don't know if they can live in british waters, but i am a keen fisherman and one day i was dipping my landing net in the margins of my local canal, just looking for small fish and things, then i decided to help the community :rolleyes: and clear out some of the weed, first scoop of the net, trying to get some weed out, i came across what i thought was a newt, it was around 3cms long and didnt look like a new atall, it was white and had red like wings on the side of his head and a flatish head, a passer by asked what it was and i could not tell them lol. now i know though, they were going for £19 in petsathome, and i found one a in my local canal :blink: i think they are from mexico not sure though.

lol sorry for not answering your question just thought id tell you :lol:
i saw a few of these today in petsathome, i don't know if they can live in british waters, but i am a keen fisherman and one day i was dipping my landing net in the margins of my local canal, just looking for small fish and things, then i decided to help the community :rolleyes: and clear out some of the weed, first scoop of the net, trying to get some weed out, i came across what i thought was a newt, it was around 3cms long and didnt look like a new atall, it was white and had red like wings on the side of his head and a flatish head, a passer by asked what it was and i could not tell them lol. now i know though, they were going for £19 in petsathome, and i found one a in my local canal :blink: i think they are from mexico not sure though.

lol sorry for not answering your question just thought id tell you :lol:
Coooooooooooooooool!!!!!!! Did you keep it? :hyper:
i saw a few of these today in petsathome, i don't know if they can live in british waters, but i am a keen fisherman and one day i was dipping my landing net in the margins of my local canal, just looking for small fish and things, then i decided to help the community :rolleyes: and clear out some of the weed, first scoop of the net, trying to get some weed out, i came across what i thought was a newt, it was around 3cms long and didnt look like a new atall, it was white and had red like wings on the side of his head and a flatish head, a passer by asked what it was and i could not tell them lol. now i know though, they were going for £19 in petsathome, and i found one a in my local canal :blink: i think they are from mexico not sure though.

lol sorry for not answering your question just thought id tell you :lol:
That is cool, I take it this was during the summer? They cant survive the low temperatures of our winters, though some canals are artificially heated by factories nearby using the canal water to cool machinery.
There have been multiple accounts of tropical fish surviving in British canals because of this, I think it's pretty cool :D.

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