Is my 2000l external filter to muchfor 500 liter tank


New Member
Nov 15, 2022
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Hi new here. I have setup and aquarium is my 2000l external filter to much for 500 liter tank.
I have fish stocked they seem fine but I am worried about their being to much oxygen in the aquarium.
If the fish are fine that is a good sign.
Can you post a video of the tank (on YouTube, then copy a link here) so that we can see the water flow that the fish are swimming in?
Different species have differing flow and oxygenation requirements so please provide a list of your stocking.
I agree with @Naughts . I have fish here that would be very happy with that level of movement, and others that would be in misery.
I firmly believe you can’t have too much filtration, as long as the flow in the tank isn’t too strong for the fish you keep. Weak swimmers might need the outflow to be baffled or diffused to prevent them being blown around. But other than that the more filtration the better. After all, you can’t have water quality that’s too good!
Hi the tank has been running a while I panicked their was to much oxygen because of the water change it's seems okay I use a spray bar across the side of the tank half pointing straight done and half pointing across the tank theirs decent circulation around the tank. The oxygen levels is fine I am sure because of my Cory's are happy on the bottom.

Stocking is
Angel fish
Cardinal tetras
Rummy nose Tetra's
Zebra danios
Chinese alege loach
Peppered Cory's
Watermelon pleco
Coolie loaches which I haven't seen since I moved them from smaller tank but worried

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