Is Methylene Blue Safe To Use?


Fish Herder
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
SE London
Is methylene blue safe to use or does it kill filter bacteria?

Yesterday I noticed my convict cichlid had a flesh wound, either a bite or bashed herself against something sharp during a chase. She seemed OK otherwise and is eating and swimming normally. Added methylene blue to the tank to prevent infection but have just come across someone on the internet saying that a pet shop told him not to use methylene blue as it kills the good baceria in filters. Is this true and if so what should I do? Can't test the water with API kit as it's blue right now.

Other fish in tank -2 synodontis, 1 L001 plec, 1 unknown possibly hybrid African cichlid
There are reports that it could well have a detrimental affect on filter bacteria but I personally can't say one way or the other i'm afraid, sorry.

For a bump, scrape or small flesh wound I personally would advise lots of clean water and keep an eye on the fish and the wound, using meds isn't something I would suggest unless it's complete necessary.

If you're worried about a possible impact you could always do a big water change to dilute the meds :good:
Meth blue is for fungal issues. If the spot looks fuzzy why not use it as a dip outside the tank? That way you wont sacrifice the bacs (although Im not certain it will harm filter bacs..more research is in order for me i guess)
agreed tho that some good waterchanges will likely help heal just fine without the use of meds.
Too late. I've already added it before I found out it may affect filter bacteria. The info that came with the bottle said methylene blue was good to treat bacteria infections in fish tanks and even gave suggested dosage.
Personally, if I have a wounded fish I put it in a quarantine tank and add a measure of melafix. Be SURE you add aeration with this stuff though. Melafix doesn't affect filter bacteria at all.
Personally, if I have a wounded fish I put it in a quarantine tank and add a measure of melafix. Be SURE you add aeration with this stuff though. Melafix doesn't affect filter bacteria at all.
UPDATE - did 50% waterchange and rinsed filter sponges in water from another tank. All fish seem OK. wounded convict appears to be healing, she's feeding and swimming normally

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