Is It Wise?

Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
One of my ladies is rather round with eggs right now. Vanity a green hm, never used for far. Thing is, she's acting very aggressively since she filled out with eggs. I'm wondering if it's worth trying her with one of my boys. I'm not overly worried about the results and I can home those that grow up. I'm wondering if it would be better to let one of the guys 'service' her, if ya know what I mean ;) rather then let her feel all pmt-like. My ct girl went through this and I did not take her to the boys. She was far less aggressive about it all. She actually tried to wrap with some of the girls at the time. But all Vanity is doing is getting herself nipped when the others get fed up with her flaring at them. :rolleyes:
What's the best move?
Thanks for the reply. Of all my males Ollie is in the best condition and a regular nest builder. I feed alot of frozen bloodworm and live food (when I can get it at this time of year) as it is. He's also sensible by betta standards so probably the best option. I'll let you know how it goes.
I have a ct female that has always looked kinda plump. If she's full of eggs is it bad to just leave her as is? Will she die or get sick if those eggs aren't released?
pair her up. males build the nest for the females most of the time. just keep a close eye on them
I wouldn't pair her. In my experience, aggression in females is not the product of being egg laden but the cause of it. When I had a female community tank, the top females were always the ones filled with eggs. Chances are if you spawn her and she drops them, she's still going to be the same aggressive lady she is now and will just fill up again.
Thanks for the link Mo. I think I will wait until the children are away so there will be complete peace for them. With holiday etc the house gets noisy and that will stress them all the more.
Synirr ~ Vanity has always been an aggressive girl, although not boss of the tank, but filling out with eggs made her heaps worse the last few days. I did introduce her to Ollie this morning but he got very aggressive with her despite her acting willing. I removed her from harm and he is very busy building a bubble nest now so maybe...if they both seem ok I will try them again. For now they are seperate, albeit with Vanity now possessing alot less tail! :rolleyes: Live and learn eh. I will point out neither are worse off from this little meeting. Both are still content and eating. Just need to keep an eye on her nips.
I don't think that just because she is full of eggs (and herself obvioiusly) that it constitutes having a spawn.

All of my girls stay full of eggs (and they are super aggressive to boot..and bossy)..if I did that..I'd have 2 million fish.

If the female is being "that" overly agressive towards her tankmates, maybe you should take them all out, re-arrange your tank, then re-introduce them..with your most aggressive being last, that way she is low-(wo)man on the totum pole.
^I did that previously and it actually made her worse! :rolleyes: She's calmer this evening, probably because of her slightly odd day. And no, I don't go around doing spawns just because a female is full, she just seemed grumpy and uncomfortable about it. She is still a youngster and this would be the first time she's carried this many eggs. Most of my girls will never be used for spawning. The only two I'd like to spawn with are Vanity and Teelie. I'm certainly not planning on producing masses of fry to end up in poor homes etc! I promise!!

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