is it true


New Member
Sep 27, 2004
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is it true that female bettas dont fight? because i recently purchased 2 female bettas and they faught leading to the death of one of the bettas :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :wub: :wub: :wub:
I'm not a betta expert, iv never kept one in my life. But from what i'v read on these forums it seems sometimes bettas can be quite difficult to sex, so i guess the first question you should be asking yourself is are you sure you purchased two females?

Sorry to hear about the fish :byebye:
Many females are just as aggressive as males. If you decide to keep them together they need to be in groups of four or more to spread out aggression, in a heavily planted tank, with an obscene number of hiding spots, and no open areas where they would have the oppurtunity to square off. You also need to have back up tanks for your females in the event that a community tank won't work.

When you only have two, the stronger one will chase/nip/stress the wekaer to death.

Sorry for your loss. :/
Exactly what Sorrell just said. I have a betta female who's a murderer lol, so she's kept on her own haha.... funny thing is.. she's always baring vertical stipes.
so does that mean you can't keep 2 together just because the stronger one will ultimately kill the weaker? i'm curious since i was thinking of putting my new girl in with my other girl in a new tank. hmmm :unsure:
Like Sorrell said, you need at the very LEAST 4 females to spread the aggression around.
probably someone answered what i'm about to ask already....

so if you were to keep 4 female bettas together, how big does the tank have to be? would a 5 gallon be sufficient?

my recomendation is a setup of ten to twenty gallon with plenty of plants and hiding places. I would not put more than 7 in a ten and 14 in a 20 even for emergencies. Even then you'll have really aggro females that will either need to be divided out or put in seperate setups. depending on where you live you might be able to find an Aquascene 5 gallon or the Marina 1.77 gallon with filter (love whoever recomended me to these)

I find that the plants and hiding places are more important than fish density, but at least 4 to a tank. ;)

I'll get a picture of my setup when I move my computer to the fishie room.

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