Is It True That The Tank Doesn't Need Bubbles?


Fish Crazy
Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
South Australia
I ended up getting a filter which is way to powerful. If I don't kink the hose that lets air in, there are so many bubbles it's ridiculous. I've been told at a couple of aquarium shops that you don't need any bubbles, as long as the filter is creating a current in the water. Is this true?
yes, as long as there is some disturbance on the surface of the water (ripples etc.), for gas exchange. Bubbles are more for aesthetics or to create lots of disturbance on the surface so that there is lots of gas exchange, which you need when you are treating with certain medications. Lots of people have bubbles, and lots don't, it just depends on what you like, and what your fishes needs are (ie if they're sick, overstocked etc.).
yaaaayyyy! :D thanks Kewskills, i'm always a bit nervous posting just in case....... :blush:
yeah i have been there, i have even been slated once when i was right with what i said, it made me feel pretty crappy. keep on posting :good:
Just to add that bubbles are no where near as good at encouraging decent gas exchange as a pump or powerhead or filter outlet aimed at the surface.

The bubbles are not in the water long enough for any meaningful gas exchange to occur and their ability to agitate the surface is far less than a pump.
Thanks for the responses everyone. I think it is much more peaceful in the aquarium with the bubbles turned off. My power filter is close to the top, and more powerful that need be, but still I'm nervous about turning off the bubbles. I might do it during the day when I can keep a close eye on the fish.
I like the look of a bubbler and my fish like to get in the middle of the column and ride it to the top of the tank..... so it seems to work both ways. :good:
I had my water level up to the release section of the HOB filter, and this didn't do well for oxygenation of the water it seems. My sister found that my remaining swordtail will sit around not looking good until she turns the bubble wand up (I had it lowered to reduce noise from the filter) Since she has turned the airstone on full blast the swordtail is doing very very well and is full of energy. Right now he is burning off alot of the energy he got from sleepinmg all night, well was, doesn't like hands in the tank.
I find that when I have the bubbles ( and I have a lot from the power filter) turned on, my fish look a bit stressed, as they are rushing around thinking they need to chase food (which turns out to be bubbles). I have now turned the bubbles off, and everything seems so peaceful in there. I will probably get a nice gentle air stone one day though. Mainly because I'm worried the filter will stop working one day, and they will need some back up aeration until I can get a new filter.

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