Is It True That Some Cichlids Wont Eat Corys?


Fish Crazy
Dec 1, 2006
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I live In sacramento Califoria. Usa
I heared that corys let out a smell or sesrete somthing that make them less appealing to the cichlids. I was wondering couse i was looking for some tank mates for my Hemichromis (jewel cichlids). :good:
Never heard. Anyway, the problem with jewel cichlids would not be that they would see the corys as food; they would see them as invaders of their territory and bully them to death. This, not predation, is the big problem with keeping corys in the same tank as bottom-dwelling cichlids. Cichlids are highly territorial, corys don't understand territories at all but think everybody should join together in one big group hug.
LMAO :hyper: Tell me about it. I love cichlids but im so limited to what I can put in the tank :crazy: Im always looking for fish that are compatable. I wish they all got along so i could just throw what ever you want in it!
Never heard. Anyway, the problem with jewel cichlids would not be that they would see the corys as food; they would see them as invaders of their territory and bully them to death. This, not predation, is the big problem with keeping corys in the same tank as bottom-dwelling cichlids. Cichlids are highly territorial, corys don't understand territories at all but think everybody should join together in one big group hug.

Most cories wouldnt even know where to begin if pushed into a dispute. It is definately not a good idea to keep cories with any aggressive fish, especially Cichlids.

Cichlids are highly territorial, corys don't understand territories at all but think everybody should join together in one big group hug.

Exactly :lol:
Most appistos will tolerate other bottom fish including Corys--perhaps Rams. Bottom fish for cichlids that you could look at in a neutral ph tank would be tank raised synos of the dwarf and regular petrocola species and the multi syno. Those three are less than 5 inches. But their natural habitat is hard water so I would look for some that have been raised in neutral water. Another is Bushy/Bristle Nose plecs (I suppose any plec) and perhaps some loaches. Check with the forums "Plecos and other Loriads", "Other Catfish" and "Cyprinids, Characins and Atherinids" and and of course "New World Cichlids."

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