Is It True...cories

I've kept corys successfully in a pH of around 7.5 with no ill effects, including wild caught corys.

so I'd say it isn't true for a lot of species (especially captive bred), but some species may well need a pH of under 6.5. :good:
my trivi corys are at around 7.8 in one tank and iv got sterbai at 8.2 in the other. Shouldnt be a problem as long as you introduce them well. some species may require a low pH but with most it shouldnt be a problem
i think its more that they'll 'thrive' with low PH rather than 'need'. They come from such backwaters where the rotting vegetation leak tannins (tannic acid) giving the water a tea colour and a low PH
Thats a relief. I have a feeling my pH is around 7.4, and obviously I didn't want to get them IF they wouldn't be ok.

One of my LFS stock 2 types of pygmies so I'm going to decide on them at the weekend. I want them for the weekend if I get them since I'm upgrading my betta tank and would possibly like to add some in there; however I want to do it to start with, new tank, new plants, new ornaments i.e. it's not his tank anymore.
Thats a relief. I have a feeling my pH is around 7.4, and obviously I didn't want to get them IF they wouldn't be ok.

One of my LFS stock 2 types of pygmies so I'm going to decide on them at the weekend. I want them for the weekend if I get them since I'm upgrading my betta tank and would possibly like to add some in there; however I want to do it to start with, new tank, new plants, new ornaments i.e. it's not his tank anymore.

just be sure to introduce them to your tank water slowly.. maybe via the 'drip' approach where you add water to the bag theyre in from th lfs by starting a very slow syphon from th tank into the bag (put a bit of a knot in the tube).. PH shock is a reality although your water shouldnt be too different from the lfs.. maybe ask them what their ph is in the shop?
Thats a relief. I have a feeling my pH is around 7.4, and obviously I didn't want to get them IF they wouldn't be ok.

One of my LFS stock 2 types of pygmies so I'm going to decide on them at the weekend. I want them for the weekend if I get them since I'm upgrading my betta tank and would possibly like to add some in there; however I want to do it to start with, new tank, new plants, new ornaments i.e. it's not his tank anymore.

just be sure to introduce them to your tank water slowly.. maybe via the 'drip' approach where you add water to the bag theyre in from th lfs by starting a very slow syphon from th tank into the bag (put a bit of a knot in the tube).. PH shock is a reality although your water shouldnt be too different from the lfs.. maybe ask them what their ph is in the shop?

That is a good idea (about asking the shop), I'd never have thougth about that. thank you :)

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