Is It Too Much?

i think you'll have severe algea problems with so much light, and your fish will probably hate you for it as weel

65 watts over 20 gallons is usually enough, unless you're keeping a marine tank!
Buy your fish some sunglasses! B)

Personally I'd say it's definitely overkill.

Are the lights heating up the tank?

What K rating are the lights?
lol I knew algue would become a problem, I probaly should get a pleco. As for heat, no it isnt heating up the tank. For the k rating, 65 watts 6500, and 65 watts 10000.
Well it wouldn't do any harm but with that kind of light if you give ur tank co2 as well its perfect for growing plants :).
I do have c02, and I got the lighting for plants, its a well planted tank, and btw you have my dream, 13 clown loaches, that is awesome. As for otos I have a jewel cichlid in my tank, I dont think otos could survive when he gets older.
You can also go for some amano shrimp they also clean algae well. Right there are 7 inside the other 6 is in a quantine tank treating there internal parasite I hope they get well soon.

i try to keep half of my tank lighted and the other not, mainly because one of my lights doesn't work. is that a good idea or no?
fadi - it wouldn't do any harm, you should start your own thread though to avoid hijhacking this one.

cal, i wouldn't do it to be honest. just use the 6500k tube and remove the 10000 one. 65 watts will give you nice growth if all the rest is good.

if you have uncontrolable algea issues at 65 watts you can't fix, imagine what it would be at 130 watts!

that being said, if all goes well with 65 watts, you could always go ahead and try 130 watts

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