Is it TOO big?


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I have a 65 tall gallon tank (28 inches high), and was curios if this would be too big for a betta. I have a betta in my ten gallon community, and he enjoys it SO much. I'd like to upgrade another betta, but I'm affraid the depth of the 65 will be too much for it.
That would be quite a sight, wouldn't it? Most bettas are stuck in cups, and mine would have 65 gallons to himself... :hyper:

But no...I would have other fish (trying to figure that out now). I was planning on moving some fish from my ten gallon ( molly, platy, white-cheeked goby, yo-yo loach, american flagfish, candy-striped pleco), and adding some new fish.

Hmmm...would long finned danios be a problem with a betta?
Unfortunately not a good idea. :no: Danios are big fin nippers, and drive slower fish crazy. They used to try and attack my dwarf gourami, until they figured out that he was fast enough to get them back. :p
plus bettas dont only need to go up for air, they can live of the ariated water, u do have a filter right? :huh: hmm could i see a pic of the tank, im not really too sure how big it is, cause ive never seen a 65 gallon tank, im sure its HUGE :) anyway good fish to go with the betta include live bearers such as guppies, mollies, sword tails, platies, etc. some bristile nose catfish maybe?, I suppose since its really big then u could have a few female fighters in there too, as long as u have enough plants, hmmm some angel fish maybe? allthough i dont really like them cause they are really hard to keep, u gotta have the best water conditions, and guppies will bite them.. i kno from expierience :(
well good luck and i would love to see some :kewlpics: of ur tank :)
Thank you all for your imput. However, I think for now, the 65 gallon will be betta less. The betta I have in the ten gallon has pretty worn fins from all of the swimming he does. Maybe in the future I'll put a betta in there, when I know for sure what fish I want in there.

Thanks again!
mollys and bettas dont go together well, IME.
even though bettas live in giant rice paddies in the wild, i think a 65 gal is too big. if they have too much territory to defend, they get stressed out.
rollntider said:
Betttas natural area :rolleyes: If that is the only fish in there and that is what you want to do or if you get some good non fin nipping fish I dont see why it wouldnt work.
Cool site tide. :thumbs:

I came for the bettas, but stayed for the Pearl Jam on the hone page. :band:

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