Is it time?


New Member
Jun 20, 2003
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She is looking quite huge today. I noticed that she was hanging out in a part of the tank, just fanning and not swimming around. When I went to look at her I noticed that one of her eyes is swollen. I moved her to the nursery because she is acting fine except for the above, she is still eating and such. Do you think its time for the babies to come? It has been about 5 to 6 weeks or more since her last batch.

well i don't know not that much about platies. I think it wouldn't be time unless if you can see the dark spot called the gravid spot. Do ounotice any different behavior?
if it has been five or six weeks you probably missed the batch and the fry got eaten, it happens all the time to me (maybe because i got an overload) they should drop the fry every 28-32 days. however, if the tank temp is low (under. i'd say, 74 F) she should stop eating a while before she is about to give birth, but is sometimes hard to spot. im not sure what the swollen eye could be, maybe someone else will. how this helps :)
Jenny :alien:
How can you tell if a Dalmation Molly is pregnant? Mine is looking very big latley. I just got them and with in a few days of having them one's tummy got huge. And I don't know if she is just fat, because they are pigs! And if so what do I do for her? Do I need anything special? I have a fish-net breeder should I put her in that? :S
that would work you will see a gravid spot on the belly and a lttle while before she has babys she will stop eating and slow down.If you look from the back and she has more of a square belly than round she is close.

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