Tank size: 10 gal, but isolated fish in a 2 gal as soon as I noticed symptoms
All parameters are normal in both tanks
tank temp: 75 normally, but I've lowered the quarantine tank to 70.
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
In order from earliest development: Lightening of color particularly at the gills, sitting at bottom of tank (sometimes slightly tilted), not eating, raised scales (sometimes, sometimes not), two red streaks on the stomach near the anal fins, a little stomach bloating. Currently he is still periodically doing a couple laps, but the swimming is more erratic than normal. Most of the time is spent resting on the bottom.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: Before it was 25% every week and a half or so, since symptoms started and I transferred the fish to a quarantine tank yesterday I've done a 50% change
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Gravel and ~1tsp aquarium salt in the 10 gal. In the 2 gal, I've added enough salt for a 0.5% concentration.
Tank inhabitants: 1 platy (sick), 2 guppies (so far looking healthy)
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): None
Exposure to chemicals: None besides aquarium salt
I've had this platy for about 6 months, and there's a lot of sentimental value to him so I'd like to do my best to save him. I've dealt with TB fish before but some of these symptoms don't look familiar (the red spots being one of them) plus the absence of the bent spine makes me wonder if it's something else. As I'm writing this, it's been about 30 hrs since I first noticed symptoms and quarantined, and I'm about to do another 25% water change.
Thanks in advance.
All parameters are normal in both tanks
tank temp: 75 normally, but I've lowered the quarantine tank to 70.
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
In order from earliest development: Lightening of color particularly at the gills, sitting at bottom of tank (sometimes slightly tilted), not eating, raised scales (sometimes, sometimes not), two red streaks on the stomach near the anal fins, a little stomach bloating. Currently he is still periodically doing a couple laps, but the swimming is more erratic than normal. Most of the time is spent resting on the bottom.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: Before it was 25% every week and a half or so, since symptoms started and I transferred the fish to a quarantine tank yesterday I've done a 50% change
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Gravel and ~1tsp aquarium salt in the 10 gal. In the 2 gal, I've added enough salt for a 0.5% concentration.
Tank inhabitants: 1 platy (sick), 2 guppies (so far looking healthy)
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): None
Exposure to chemicals: None besides aquarium salt
I've had this platy for about 6 months, and there's a lot of sentimental value to him so I'd like to do my best to save him. I've dealt with TB fish before but some of these symptoms don't look familiar (the red spots being one of them) plus the absence of the bent spine makes me wonder if it's something else. As I'm writing this, it's been about 30 hrs since I first noticed symptoms and quarantined, and I'm about to do another 25% water change.
Thanks in advance.