Is It Some Kind Of Star


New Member
May 30, 2006
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i spotted this in my tank this afternoon , it has a white body attached to the rock with 5 arms, however it is incredibly small, what could it be

sorry about the picture quality
could be a star, hell it could be my sister. Im not sure with that picture lol. I dont have the exact link saved on this computer (not at home) but check out or something along those lines, they have a great photo list of common hitchhikers. Try Yahooing it.
Yeah it is a poor pic, but it has moved since i last saw it so i dont think its a aiptasia or a zoanthus(spelling?)
yeah but im fairly sure its not now, as ive spotted a few bristle stars this mourning
It is an upside down jellyfish hydra. I get lots of them attaching to the glass in my pico tanks. They were identified to for me by a professor of biology at Birmingham Uni.

The Hydra is the polyp stage of life of the jellyfish, and I have read of some people attaining them to larger sizes but personally I have not seen them get any bigger. I suspect they require quite alot of planktonic feed to survive the polyp stage.

I had small jellies in my cube before it broke. Just barely bigger than a pencil eraser, they were cool to watch swim.
well i havnt seen it since i took that pic, but we do have quite a few bristle stars, so that was my first thought

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