is it really a claro?


Fish Fanatic
May 4, 2003
Reaction score
Newmarket, England
I was sold an Ancistrus claro (LDA08) by Trimar, a reputable and normally pretty good dealer about a year ago. Now everything ive read suggests that these claro reach only 2.8 or 3 inches at the most. Is this body only? As Boris is now approximately 5 inches with tail.

Also, whilst when very young, the characteristic 'random reticulated' body pattern was evident, and he does change his colouring some, he has a white tipped tail fin which i havent seen in any other images of claro, they always have dark or matching the body colour tails. This, along with the size issue, has just made me wonder.

Its acedemic really, id just like to know what he is is he isnt claro.

Thanks for your help.phil
I have about 9 Claro's (LDA08) and the biggest is less than 3 ins. One characteristic of the Claro is the mouth which is quite wide and can be seen when they suck on the glass.

If you can post a picture then I can give you a yes/no answer on the Claro.
this was him as a baby, before he developed the white tip tail. hes also normally almost black now, tho occasionally gets yellow stripes or goes brown. Oh, and hes grown his bristles too. ill try and get a half decent recent pic tonight, but hes pretty shy. thanks for your help.phil


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