Is it possible?


Fish Addict
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
I bought and set up a 29g tank yesterday and I pulled out the aerobic pad of the filter today and there was black stuff that looked sort of like what was on my old aerobic pad. Is it possible that that is bacteria already??? ????
No, but it would help if you post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, and if you have added any fish and which type.
well, the bio fiber is very discolored, suppoesed to be white, has a browninsh tint to it, but my test results don't notice any change...

I am wondering now if maybe that's b/c of the gravel. It is a light brown, but it is actual rocks, not plastic coated..

Nh4+ 4.0ppm

No2- 0.0ppm

No3+ 0.0ppm

Most reactions
