Is it Possible ?????


New Member
Apr 20, 2005
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So Ive Searched and Searched for an answer but to no avail......Ive red of how good Zuchinni is for Cats(my bristlenose luvs the stuff) but there is no info on how much is enough, can they OD on the Zuch ??? I constantly av a peice anchored to the floor for my breeding Brstles, whom are never too far from sneakin a nibble, is this OK ?? Is always avin a peice in there gonna hurt em any ?? or A OK to continue ??

Pleeeeezzz ADVISE ASAP.)as this practice will continue there on.(

Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :whistle:
Hmmm good question. I tend to only feed zuccini or cucumber once every week or so but have often wondered how often is OK.

Any ideas anyone?
Cucumber etc. is to the best of my knowledge, harmless. Whenever I have cucumber, so do my fish, (which is not all the time, because I don't always have a cucumber in the fridge). As long as cucumber is not their ONLY food, I don't think I'd worry about it.

This really isn't a CC&A question. I'll move it to Catfish.
I feed my fish cucumber once, maybe twice a week and they are doing good.

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