It is possible with preperation. First you need to be able to carry a few good sized, well insulated coolers. These are easy to find here in the states but I'm not sure how easy this is for you. Use your tank water and fill each cooler with rock and water. Use another cooler for your bagged fish and Another for your bagged coral. Throw all but a few pounds of your sand away. Save any other water you can in sealed buckets. Drain the tank and store all the equipment (well padded of course) in there.
Now some things to make it easier if you can do them.
Have saltwater mixed up, aerated, heated, and at the same salinity waiting for you ready to go at the destination
Be ready to set the tank up imedeatly when you reach the destination
Another way to do long moves is to work with a LFS. Let them hold on to your livestock while you take the tank. Once you get the tank up have them ship all the livestock to you.
Another way is to sell off all the livestock before the move and then start from scratch at your destination. This may seem to be the worst solution as the loss you will have to take may be great, but it is cheaper than trying to move it all and having it die.