Is It Possible To Have Soft Alkaline Water?

were i used to live we had
a ph of 7to7.5 but had a low
kh if you left it to stand and
it would go down to 5.5 to 6 :blink:
over night so maybe but i am unsure :unsure:
Yes, although it is uncommon as the hardness and pH are in part relevant to each other.
so what fish belong in it,the soft water or hard water fish?
I tried corys they worked so im guessing soft
and guppys well they didnt ):
Well, none belong in it really because that type of water doesn't really occur in nature.

In practice, any fish which is softwater in the wild but has adapted to aquarium conditions over a few generations should work. So common Tetras, some Rainbowfish, Plecos, Corys, some Rasboras and Barbs... pretty much most fish you'd see in your LFS which are not Livebearers and not African Rift Lake cichlids. Be careful with fish known to be picky and you probably can't keep any wild caught fish.
Oddly I have baby bluegill in the same type of water and they are doing great so far (6 months)

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