Is it okay to do a diet switch?

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Fish Fanatic
Mar 31, 2021
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I'm almost out of Hikari Bio-gold so I went ahead and purchased Omega One Betta Buffet pellets. Could I suddenly switch over from Bio-gold to Betta buffets without my betta getting an upset stomach? Thanks. :)
Short answer is you can.
For me if I introduce new foods I will feed is sparingly at first after a few days when then only give it normal dosage.
Yes, you can. It might be a good idea to slowly ween your Betta off of the old the food. My guess is he really won’t care.
Don't change the food overnight. Offer a bit of the new food with some of the old food. Do this for a couple of weeks and then slowly reduce the old food and put them onto the new food.

Fish should have a variety of foods to eat including live, frozen (but defrosted) and dry. The more variety the better. If fish or any animal is only fed one type of food, they can suffer from nutritional deficiencies and if the food is suddenly changed, the fish might not like the new food and they go on a hunger strike until the old food is made available.
Don't change the food overnight. Offer a bit of the new food with some of the old food. Do this for a couple of weeks and then slowly reduce the old food and put them onto the new food.

Fish should have a variety of foods to eat including live, frozen (but defrosted) and dry. The more variety the better. If fish or any animal is only fed one type of food, they can suffer from nutritional deficiencies and if the food is suddenly changed, the fish might not like the new food and they go on a hunger strike until the old food is made available.

I feed him defrosted frozen bloodworms (once a week/sometimes I forget and feed him every 2 weeks), Fluval bug bites, and any high-quality pellet food I can find. I'll try gradually feeding him, thanks!
Commercial Fish Foods these days are really great. In the old days when many reading this were mere tiny weedhoppers most fish foods were made from low quality fish meal (cannery waste) with lots of grain and grain starch.
These days, many/most fish foods are made from whole fish meal so it has a higher quality - oh there not table ready fish, but at least the nutritional value of whole fish rather than just heads, skin, and bone). Also a lot has been done on the science side to enrich fish foods with appropriate vitamins and minerals.
Now although it may be the case, I'm not convinced that any one manufacturer has the magic blend for the best nutritional delivery, so I like to mix two or three different flake foods to what I call master blend. Currently I mix Tetramin Tropical flakes with Omega One Tropical Flakes. I augment this with White Worms, Micro Worms, Daphnia, and Mosquito Larvae when in season.
Now if you've only been feeding one commercial food, fish come to expect the taste as food, so as mentioned, abruptly switching, fish may not accept it well. So it's good to introduce new food slowly. However, when fish get hungry enough, any food will do! :)

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