Is It Ok To Mix Shrimp Types?


Fish Gatherer
Oct 1, 2008
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I currently have a couple of Algae shrimp who have grown quite a lot since I've had them. I'd like to get a couple more as I like watching their antics! Looked in LFS today and they had two Algae shrimp but only really small ones, and it worries me the other shrimps or my Blue Acara may eat them.
They did have a few Rock shrimp in there though.

I wondered if it would be OK to mix the Algae and Rock shrimps as they are a similar size? If not, what other shrimps will get on OK with my Algae shrimps?

Thanks :)
I think the names algae shrimp is putting people off, do they have any other names.
I haven't replied because I get bored with repeating myself on most posts, no offence meant. We need to know exact species of shrimp not common names :good: as these often overlap between species with completely different temperaments and requirements.

By rock shrimp I would assume you mean Singaporean filter shrimp/ bamboo shrimp (please check here for species confirmation from images) which are compatible with all shrimp and fish as their claws have developed into filters so cannot damage others. You should have a 40+ gallon tank to keep one bamboo shrimp with 10-15 gallons for ever additional shrimp, they also need a heightened area e.g. bogwood in front of the filter/powerhead outlet. If you don't meet these requirements your shrimp will ruin its filters from picking up food from the ground and die.

By saying algae shrimp your covering 200+ species so a pic would help :)
Sorry, I didn't realise. Couldn't think of the name when I posted, I do have them in my signature though. This is a pic of them:


You should have a 40+ gallon tank to keep one bamboo shrimp with 10-15 gallons for ever additional shrimp, they also need a heightened area e.g. bogwood in front of the filter/powerhead outlet. If you don't meet these requirements your shrimp will ruin its filters from picking up food from the ground and die.

I have a 190L tank. I have various stones/bogwood around the tank, as well as coconut shells. What do you mean it will ruin its filters by picking up food from the ground? How do I make sure they get food?
If it's going to be a filter shrimp then yes it's fine to add with amanos (which you have)
You should have a 40+ gallon tank to keep one bamboo shrimp with 10-15 gallons for ever additional shrimp, they also need a heightened area e.g. bogwood in front of the filter/powerhead outlet. If you don't meet these requirements your shrimp will ruin its filters from picking up food from the ground and die.
That's not necessarily true, but the shrimp are always best target fed while they are filtering.

This involves powdering flake/pellet food and dispersing it around where they are filtering, preferably mixing it in water and using a syringe.

Regardless of tank size, you should always target feed the shrimp when possible, one every couple of days should be fine.

Thank you. Are there any types that I cannot have?
Nope :).

The reason some shrimp aren't compatible with others is mainly the possibility of cross breeding, but your amano shrimp are relatively hard to breed and require marine water. So even in the extremely unlikely even they could cross breed with another species, it wouldn't be a problem.
OK thanks. The Amanos are pretty easy to feed, in fact they have been known to steal bits of algae wafer off the fish :lol: I'll probably wait until I see some more of them.

Would some cherry shrimp be OK in my Betta tank?
Yeop they should be fine given sufficient vegetation cover and a few hidey holes does depend on temperament of the betta as with all tank mates he ma just take a disliking to them for an estranged reason.

Only shrimp you can't keep are the aggressive ones such as Machrobrachium species

The bamboo shrimp will ruin their filters by picking food of the ground as it erodes them and takes many molts to be fully healed again. They catch their food in the filters from the water stream and do not usually eat food from the ground unless forced to by starvation.

Three-fingers I was merely exacerbating the point so that the OP didn't deem it less significant as we all do at times.

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