Is It Ok To Crush Snails For The Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2009
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I have malaysian trumpet snails in my tank and I like to crush them against the glass for the shrimp and cories. Is this a bad idea? The fish and shrimp like them, but somebody at the LFS said it releases toxins and isn't good for the tank. What are your thoughts? Thanks.
Heavens yes. I feed crushed snails all the time. Jam packed with nutrition, espescially when they are gut-loaded with greens.
Cant say I haven't done it lol, but not to malaysian trumpets
What do you guys do with the shells? I leave mine behind since they're hard to pick out of the fine sand. They're all quite small, but look nice amongst the flourite black sand.
if you Gonna crush the snails against the glass remember the shell can be very sharp and can very easily cut into your finger. I've Done it a Few times :lol:
can you feed fish crushed garden (land) snails too? What a great "green" way to dispose of pests
Ohh yess, do it! The simply love them! Unless you have a dwarf puffer, then you don't even have to crush them!
my kribs have devoured my whole population of ramshorn snails. The malasian trumpets are lucky as they can hide in the gravel, but i have never crushed them as their shells are soo hard. The ramshorn ones on the otherhand i have crushed and fed them to my fish lots of times with no harm ever done.
can you feed fish crushed garden (land) snails too? What a great "green" way to dispose of pests

Too risky as has been mentioned given the possibility of the snail having pesticides in it. Also, land snails probably don't feature too highly in the natural diet of your fish (mind you nor do fish pellets!)

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