So I've had a tank for a while now and we first had buenos arias tetras, lamp eyed tetras, a black mystery snail, an ivory mystery snail, and two golden algae eaters. Two weeks ago, I got a mix of about 10 cardinal and neon tetras from a couple stores along with 3 guppies (one tuxedo). The tetras have all died off within the first two weeks except for one and the guppies have as well except for one (the tuxedo one). So when I got home today, the tuxedo one was dead and the ivory mystery snail was eating the body of the tuxedo guppy. Does the tank have any diseases in it like Neon Tetra disease? Is it ok for the snail to have eaten some of the body or do I have to take the snail out? The rest of my fish are doing fine though.