Is It Not Bad To House Bettas In Your Bedroom

I have several in my bedroom, including my spawning tank. I think it would be a bad idea if the temp. fluctuates in there (and the tank is unheated)..but otherwise it's just as good a room as any other.
I can't see why having Bettas in your bedroom would be a problem. I have a dog that sleeps in my bedroom, why do people say it's bad? Having her close makes me happy which can only be good in my opinon.
yea whats the difference if its in another room or your bedroom?
in most cases the bedroom would be better as there will be less people walking by which can spook or scare the fish.
Well - I have run out of spots to put them in the kitchen and living room, so now its time to start in the bedroom! :nod:
I have one in the bedroom. You just have to be careful with aerosols and talcum and such like.

ps I also have one in the bathroom and he is happy as a betta can be. It can be a bit un nerving when you are getting dry as he watches you. But he is a lovely turquoise colour and matches my bathroom (and I am also running our of space rapidly) I have one in the middle spare bedroom that hubby don't know about. He wants to decorate that room as well! :crazy:
I have one in the bedroom. You just have to be careful with aerosols and talcum and such like.

ps I also have one in the bathroom and he is happy as a betta can be. It can be a bit un nerving when you are getting dry as he watches you. But he is a lovely turquoise colour and matches my bathroom (and I am also running our of space rapidly) I have one in the middle spare bedroom that hubby don't know about. He wants to decorate that room as well! :crazy:

Where is he in your bathroom? I am running out of space so I think it's time to start on the bathroom but a)where do I put the plugs? and b)where do I put the fish lol!
All my pets live in my bedroom! (except my horse & dog lol) ;)
I don't see anything wrong with it.
I actually like it, since I am with them more since my room is one of my fav. places to be! :D
We have fishies all over our flat in the sitting room the kitchen out spare room and as of tonight in our bedroom be lush watching them although i may not go to work lol
all my fish are in nmy bedroom, wouldn't have them anywhere else as that is where i spend most of the day except when at school :good:
All my fish are in my bedroom too. It is getting to be known as "the fish and cat room". I have two cats who spend a lot of time in my room as well. (but don't worry, the fish are in safe places where the cats can't get to. They're also softy cats who wouldn't eat a [live] fish if it landed on their heads.)

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